Hello loyal newsletter readers and thank you for reading our Q3 2018 edition.
CAR has also invested in a new Okuma LB3000 Space Turn Lathe. This machine just hit the floor and is ready for some lathe work. This lathe allows us to machine bigger, longer parts and has a bigger capacity bar feeder. A bigger bar feeder allows us to run bigger parts unattended which increases unattended machine time and throughput. The y-axis allows for additional milling. Some parts that were routed through both our mill and lathe departments can now be run complete in the new Okuma. This machine has touch screen controls which makes for a more user friendly experience for the machinist. Please continue to send all your CNC machining quotes to your friends at CAR, we can’t wait to fill up these machines with new business!
CAR Expands Capacity in CNC Machining
We have 2 new pieces of CNC equipment that have been delivered since our last publication. The first is a “twin” of our Mazak Nexus 530C2KY. This machine is the next generation, has bigger windows and an updated design but is otherwise the same as the Mazak we took delivery of in 2015. Both machines feature a pallet changer which greatly improves throughput and allows for more unattended machine time. We have the two Mazaks facing each other and are working to develop a high preforming Mazak “cell” in the milling area.
Mill machinist Chad Swart programming the new Mazak

Lathe crew excited for their new machine to be set up and running
American Apprenticeship Initiative of WNY
CAR Engineering has supported the NYS apprenticeship program since our inception in the 1980’s. Those employees selected for the program complete 8,000 hours of on the job training (roughly 4 years), and also take 32 credit hours of machining classes. There is a representative from NYS who comes in every 6 months to review their progress. Upon successful completion of the program the apprentice becomes a journeyman and is given their journeyman papers. Completing this process can make for an excellent career as a skilled machinist. In the past CAR has paid for the apprentices’ education and our retention rate for keeping the apprentices on staff after gradation has been quite good. As big apprenticeship supporters CAR was thrilled to learn about a new program called The American Apprenticeship Initiative of Western NY. This program offers apprenticeship funds to employees at qualified companies and is made possible through a grant from the United Way of Buffalo. CAR now has 4 students officially enrolled in the program; Jeffery Wong for Tool and Die Making, Jeffery Brewer for CNC machining (lathe), Nathaniel Clark CNC machining (lathe) and Adam Dalton CNC machining (mill). These students are in the same NYS apprenticeship program we have been enrolling our students in for years. However with the support of the new grant each student enrolled receives $3,500 for education plus $750 for tools, books or related materials. What a wonderful program to help train and retain young machinists. Other companies in Western NY seeking to learn more click here.
Investing in the future- CAR apprentices
It’s a BOY- Welcome Henry Hause
CAR is thrilled to announce the arrival of Henry Louis Hause, born to CAR Scheduler Carrie Hause and her husband Rob. Carrie was near her due date and when her doctor suggested trying to induce on 5/31/18 Carrie agreed. She was hoping to avoid a C-section and much to her delight at 6:47 pm Henry was born at Thompson Hospital via normal delivery (VBAC). He weighted 6lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long. Big brother Ivan Hause (4 years old) has been a huge help to his parents with the new baby! Carrie will be back at CAR in the beginning of Aug. Congratulations to this great family on their new edition.
Henry Louis Hause- relaxing in his baby carrier

Carrie and her “boys”- husband Rob and sons Ivan and Henry