CAR Gets Mazak Nexus 530C II Mill With Pallet Changer
CAR has added capacity and expanded its capabilities once again with the addition of our newest piece of equipment the Mazak Nexus mill. This state of the art CNC machine has all the bells and whistles including thru spindle coolant (high pressure) and air, 12K spindle, both work and tool probing. It holds 48 tools and has 3D high speed software package. What differentiates this mill from our others is that this Mazak mill has a pallet changer. The advantage of a pallet system is that while the machine is machining one work piece, the operator can be setting up the next work piece on an identical fixture on the other pallet. Another variation is to set up the next job on the second pallet with the first pallet is dedicated to machining the first job. This reduces the amount of downtime and keeps the machine making parts. Finally, the pallet changer can be set up to run “lights out” so night shift is able to load up a job and the machine can run unattended until day shift arrives. Our CNC milling area continues to be one of our busiest departments. We are pleased to add this mill to keep up with our customers’ growing demands, so please keep those RFQ’s for mill projects coming!
Mill machinists Chad Swart and Dave Schutt getting ready to load up the Mazak
CAR Going for TS 16949 Certification
As loyal newsletter readers know, CAR has been ISO 9001:2008 certified since 2006. Some additional trivia, the “CAR” in CAR Engineering and Manufacturing is short for Charles Arthur Rogers our CEO/Founder. CAR Engineering does do work in the automotive sector but it is only about 10% of our total business. However it is our goal to grow this sector and achieving TS 16949 should help us get there. With a grant funded by both High Tech of Rochester and Workforce Development Institute, CAR is taking the plunge and going for our TS certification along with our ISO in November of this year. For those of you unfamiliar with TS 16494 it is specific to the automotive industry and requires an even higher level of compliance than traditional ISO. The TS internal certification team- led by Carrie Hause and Jim Wagner are working hard to ensure a successful audit. Check back in Q4 to see how we did.Let’s Get Social
Remember the days when you had to send someone a letter via the US Postal Service and then wait for a letter back? No? Well than you are probably under 25 years old. The landscape of business has changed so much in the last 20 years with the internet, Google, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, and more. With these powerful tools CAR can connect easily with our customers across the United States and abroad. We also want potential customers to find us. CAR has established a LinkedIn page and YouTube channel as well as resurrected our Facebook page. Please like us on Facebook, follow us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Our new social media coordinator, Emily Thomas, will be adding relevant and timely updates to these sites throughout the month. Thanks for your support.
CAR’s new receptionist and social media coordinator- Emily
Welcome To The World- Ivan Allen Hause
Yes, loyal newsletter readers you read that right, Ivan is a boy’s name. CAR is thrilled to announce that our Scheduler, Carrie Hause, bucked the girl trend and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Ivan was born at Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua, NY on Sunday June 8th at 10:32 am. He weighed 6lbs 15oz and measured 20 inches long. This is the first child for proud parents Carrie and Rob Hause. Ivan’s middle name is after Carrie’s father Allen. Carrie will be on maternity leave until early August. We have a full crew working hard to cover for her and thank all our customers for working with us in her absence. CAR wanted to have a little fun with Carrie’s baby, so toolmaker Rick Pecora set up “Carrie’s baby pool” where the employees could bet on some baby stats- such as gender, weight, time of birth, and weather. Congratulations to CNC Project Engineer Steve Gerrard for nailing it almost perfectly. Will this boy trend continue or are we back to more baby girls? Only time will tell as CNC machinist Chad Swart is expecting baby #2 this fall.
Welcome Ivan

Carrie snuggles with her baby boy
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