by CAR Engineering | Jul 16, 2012 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter, Uncategorized
Message from Yvette Pagano Where did the 1st half of the year go? It is hard to believe we are already a few weeks into Q3. I am happy to report another strong quarter for CAR Engineering. Sales increased 14% from Q2 of 2011. We have been able...
by CAR Engineering | Apr 24, 2012 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
Message From Yvette Pagano Thank you for taking the time to check out our Q2 newsletter. I am happy to report that things continue to go well for CAR Engineering and Manufacturing. Reflecting on the 1st quarter, CAR is up over 30% in sales compared to Q1...
by CAR Engineering | Jan 19, 2012 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter, Uncategorized
Happy New Year Best wishes to all our loyal newsletter readers for a prosperous 2012. Things are well at CAR. As you will see in this edition we have some exciting new updates to share. Reflecting on 2011 we are very pleased with the direction the...
by CAR Engineering | Oct 11, 2011 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
CAR Celebrates It’s 25th Year In Business It is hard to believe that it has been 25 years since CAR was founded but believe it loyal newsletter readers; the company is 25 years old. Our official anniversary date is September 12th, 1986. Please see the note...
by CAR Engineering | Jul 20, 2011 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
20 Years and Counting….. CAR sends its warmest congratulations to employee John Nameeopanha who achieved 20 years of service in June. This is quite an accomplishment considering CAR is celebrating its 25th year in business this September. John was recognized at our...
by CAR Engineering | Apr 1, 2011 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
CAR Unveils Redesigned Website Hello loyal CAR newsletter readers! Since landing on this page, please take the time to peruse our updated website. We have updated the overall look and refreshed the content and format hoping to stay modern and improve functionality for...
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